The Tasty Red Balloon

It's a really scary story that will set your spookers to 12.

The Story

One day, I was horseriding. Unfortunately, Sterile (my horse) wouldn't go because she was scared of something lurking in my favorite bush. I looked and I saw Pikachu. ''Wait... Pikachu's not real, ''I thought. Pikachu was bleeding.
I said, "You've got a little blood there".
"Ah, no, no, I just cut myself on a thorn", Pikachu replied.
"Yeah, I'm okay, though".
Suddenly, Pikachu snapped his own neck and vomited cake pops out of his mouth. His eyes turned red and then he said "The Red Balloon is your new God".
I looked and noticed that I was surrounded by Lucky the Leprechaun and his clones. Each one had a bowl of Lucky Charms. They said in monotone...
"Which bowl is the safe bowl? Turn the wheel and see what you get. If you don't try it, you'll become one of us".
I didn't want to be a leprechaun, so I took one of the bowls and had a bite. The spoon had a few oats and a red balloon marshmallow.
"Down the hatch".
It tasted like tar. It was one of the unsafe bowls.
They all started chanting "He's after me Lucky Charms. He's after me Lucky Charms".
Then I woke up. It was just a dream. I looked up... there was Sterile and Lucky the Leprechaun. Lucky had a knife.


This story has been rated 12. The ratings are set by how much your spookers go up while reading.